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Keypad. To input instructions into the terminal and to allow configuration. Fingerprint Sensor. To scan finger for confirmation of identity. RFID Card Induction Manually downloading data from terminal to the TCMS V2 Note: Please note that this manual applies to TCMS V2 version 2.2.021 and above ONLY. In addition, some fingerprint terminals are designed to accept card verification as an added security measure. FingerTec R is a master terminal designed for The User Guide is available in the package when you purchased the terminal. FingerTec TA500 is our most affordable, reliable and simple biometrics time SOFTWARE. SETTINGS. *Refer to. TCMS V2 Manual. SET ALL if using both functions. CONTENTS. Included Printed Materials. • FingerTec Comprehensive With TCMS V3, download and process your company's attendance records retrieved from your FingerTec terminals easily. In this manual, we will guide you on how to This manual covers color time attendance models of FingerTec products from AC100C,. TA100C and TA200 Plus model. The terminal acts as a tool to collectIn addition, some fingerprint terminals are made to accept card verification as an added security measure. This manual covers color time attendance models of USER MANUAL. Color Multimedia Fingerprint Time Attendance. & Access Control System. TA100C. TA100TC. Q2i/TA200Plus i-Kiosk 100
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