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397 Owner's Manual & EVP (2007-2015). Model Number, 397. Name / Description, Pneumatic .177 Pellet Rifle - Single Shot. Dates Benjamin® Sheridan®. PNEUMATIC AIR RIFLES OWNER'S MANUAL. Blue Streak and Silver Streak® C9 Series .20 Caliber and. 397 Models, .177 Caliber and 392 Models, 352 Maloy , Raymond B. 397 Mays , Benjamin E 78 R. Ellsworth . 542 Manatos , Mike N. 55 Maxson , Webster P. 570 Richard H 398 Mandell , Dr. Edward . Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the Sheridan C9 Series or Benjamin Model 397 or 392 pump airgun. Please read this owner's manual completely. 397 Owner's Manual & EVP (1995-1997). Model Number, 397. Name / Description, Pneumatic .177 Pellet Rifle - Single Shot - Phase I. Sheridan Blue Streak And Silver Streak C9 Series .20 Caliber Owner's Manual Benjamin 397 Model, .177 Caliber and 392 Model, .22 Caliber Owner's Manual. Mechanical system, Pneumatic. Caliber/Ammunition, C9 Series: .20 caliber (5 mm) Lead Airgun Pellet 397: .177 cal. (4.5 mm) Lead Airgun Pellet 397 Mays , Benjamin E 78 R. Ellsworth . 542 Manatos , Mike N. 55 Maxson , Webster P. 570 Richard H .. 398 Mandell , Dr. Edward 565 Maxwell , Brig . Gen.
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